We know that quality strategic planning sessions are critical to long-term program implementation and success. Zia Learning regularly works with districts starting at the central office to understand highest level goals and to plan development and evaluation strategies. Learn more about our experience in developing custom curriculum solutions and implementing digital learning programs across the United States
Zia has developed the Next-Gen Learning Blueprint to serve as a district-level guide towards program success. Our process involves the critical steps of data analysis, needs assessment, goal setting, ongoing embedded coaching, measuring success through validated approaches, and adjusting based on outcomes. All Zia tools are customized to individual district needs.

Zia Learning took the time to get to know our district and understand our unique needs. The result was a custom program that resulted in increased student success.
Dr. David Bowlin
Superintendent OHDELA Schools

Zia Learning is a leading provider of engaging web-based and onsite professional learning and digital supports, and has provided these services to districts across the United States for over a decade. Our company is home to an amazing team of educators, practitioners, and developers with deep experience in the effective implementation of remote, hybrid, and digital learning.
Zia Learning is known for outstanding face-to-face and web-based PD for personalized, blended and digital learning. We base our programs on our Framework for Personalized Learning, which has been adopted as part of the iNACOL Standards for Teaching in the Personalized Classroom. We offer a full suite of web-based professional learning experiences, along with engaging and interactive face-to-face workshops, classroom walks, professional development, and embedded coaching. We begin our work by consulting with districts to deeply understand the school community, analyze issues, and design a custom professional development plan. All of our programs are customizable and adaptable - no two implementations are the same.

Research and Evidence-Based Digital Implementations and Programs With Measurable Results
Zia Learning is a nationally recognized leader in assisting districts and schools in the development of digital learning curriculum and solutions. Zia regularly provides:
Strategic planning and program design services
Student engagement and attainment support through the Skills for Success program
Teacher training and professional development
District consulting services
Curriculum development and delivery services
Our programs are designed from a differentiated instructional design approach that incorporates multiple formats for students to learn information and multiple means to assess performance. These efforts yielded meaningful, measurable results including a recent implementation for a state-wide virtual school provider which yielded:
39% increase overall pass/ achievement rates
57% increase in Ohio State Board of Education Positive Rating Indicators for Charter/Alternative Schools Student Growth
80-95% growth in state-monitored daily Active Learner Engagement Rates
75% of students demonstrated growth in MAP standardized testing Growth Indicators
We know the value of finding pockets of progress and innovation within a district. We capture and scale that success by working with your teachers to showcase what is working right in your own backyard. We spend time getting to know a district and better understand the replicable components that are driving individual classroom success, as well as the pain points and areas of needed growth. Coupling this with national models and examples is powerful in two ways:
1. “If they can do it, so can I.”
There’s certainly power in seeing a teacher from across the nation implementing a new and innovative approach. There’s something even more powerful about seeing a teacher from your own district who is implementing and innovating right around the corner.
2. “Show me how you did that.”
Building leadership at the building level is critical for long-term success. By showcasing what works and incubating innovation within a school, districts can move from “pockets of progress” to sustainable, district-wide models that work.

Zia Learning provides digital learning and whole-child supports for districts across the United States. Our work is grounded in authentic practice and ongoing research and development. We are recognized pioneers and innovators in the space of online, blended, and hybrid learning while leading a new movement of whole-child comprehensive wellness supports.
Zia offers a full executive functioning curriculum including engaging, interactive supports that provide students with real-world scenarios to develop and strengthen their metacoginitive skills. In addition, we provide a comprehensive whole-school wellness model that offers nutrition, fitness, mental health, and physical health education and supports for students, staff, and families.